Resources which I think are rather scientific and based on good research.
List of References used for my presentation “Don’t Be Afraid of Fat!”
Other Books/Articles/Websites.
My Favorites
For the past ten years I have read books, articles, websites and newsletters both in English and in Swedish, and here are my favorites.
Most of the books are linked to where you can read more about them – and should you buy a book after clicking on it below, I will get a small commission. Thank you if you do.
Favorites in English
Finally, the word is out. Saturated fat is good for you!! We waited too long for this.
The Big Fat Surprise - by Nina Teicholz
Why Butter, Meat & Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet
I used to say that if you only read one book this year -read “The Vegetarian Myth”!

The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability
Profound! If you don’t have time to read it all (you should though!) go directly to the third section: “Nutritional Vegetarians” – great summary of what it’s all about. How I wish everyone would read this. Had I been a vegetarian, I would have run, book in hand, to the grocery store…to the meat department.
Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It
Gary Taubes’ short version of his “bible”: “Good Calories Bad Calories”.

Fat and Cholesterol are Good for You
by Uffe Ravnskov. Easy to read, but still gives you the real science behind the research.Ravnskov continues in this book to debunk the myths that cholesterol and saturated fat intake cause heart disease and outlines what he considers to be the real risk factors behind heart disease. A must read for those of you who want to know the real research results from the past 30-40 years. So, you may have to read two books this year.
Used copies of his book are expensive to come by: The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy That Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease sell for around $130 on Amazon.
Uffe Ravnskov’s website
In Ravnskov’s latest book published 2010: ‘Ignore the Awkward.:How the Cholesterol Myths Are Kept Alive’ Uffe Ravnskov is explaining how researchers, paid by the pharmaceutical and food industries, have managed to ridicule critics of the prevailing cholesterol hypothesis, ignore research discrediting the hypothesis, and in the process mislead the public.
Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health (Vintage)by Gary Taubes. Covers it all. Some say Taubes should get the Nobel Prize for this book. Gary Taubes, who has reported on public health issues, nutrition and diet for 15 years, spent five years researching for this book.
Gary Taubes, website – coming soon
The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food by Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD CCN. About the True Soy Story.
If you are into soy you have to read this book before you eat another bean.

Nourishing Traditions
by Sally Fallon – Fabulous cookbook, extremely comprehensive with history and science about every possible food item.
Sally Fallon is speaking at College of Marin June 12, 2010. Get a ticket:
Sugar:The bitter truth YouTube presentation by Robert Lustig, MD. UCSF. One hour listening time well spent.
For fun: A Short Film YouTube presentation by Arjun Sodhani (my son) on comparing the present (Life without mom) to the past (Life with mom).
Farmageddon Trailer 1410 by Kristin Canty. We need to help and support the sustainable and organic farmers.
Food, Inc. by Robert Kenner. Exposing the food industry in the US and how it is cooperating with regulatory agencies. A must see!
Favorites in Swedish
Swedish Books and Magazines
Fettskrämd by Lars-Erik Litsfeldt. Scientific and thorough. I have learned and laughed a lot reading Litsfeldt’s books. The BEST, the ONLY LCHF-magazine in Sweden, with the latest news on low carbohydrate food and health. It is well written, well researched and FUNNY. Don’t miss it.
Swedish Websites by physician Andreas Eenfeldt. Serious, fun and scientific. The largest health blog in Sweden. by Uffe Ravnskov MD, PhD – a must for the real science-minded. by Pelle and Margareta Lundström, instrumental in changing school lunches in Sweden, and my greatest inspiration in Sweden, in addition to my mother and father, who all keep me up to date on the latest research and trends within food, nutrition and healthcare in Sweden.
LCHF Magasinet’s four founders all have their own very informative, and fun, sites/blogs (all in Swedish though…): Dr. Annika Dahlqvist’s blog. Bo Zackrisson’s blog: Toxiska epistlar. Sten Sture Skaldeman’s website. A lot of laughs here. Margareta Lundström started the largest LCHF forum in Sweden. Over 10,000 members. Excellent resource for nutrition and health.